A Heart's Endeavor Read online

Page 4

  Mel felt a twinge of disappointment. Once he retired there wouldn’t be any reason for him to travel the fifty miles one way to come back to the Reidsville area. “I see,” was all she said. Then she asked, “Have you been thinking about retiring for a while?”

  Jack shook his head. “No. I decided a few weeks ago. I’d like to focus on finding the right woman to settle down with. I haven’t been as lucky in the love department as some of my buddies.”

  Before Mel had a chance to comment, Stacy came bursting into the restaurant. “Hey, guys, how’s it goin’?”

  Mel’s eyes connected with Jack’s. The heat that radiated from his stare burned deep into her soul. She tore her gaze away and turned to look at Stacy scarfing down Jack’s French fries. “Why aren’t you working tonight?” Geez, she sounded like a mother grilling her teenage daughter.

  Stacy lathered a fry with ketchup and popped it into her mouth. “Jen called last night and asked if I’d switch shifts with her. She had somewhere to go this morning.” The pretty brunette waggled her brows. “Are you two having fun on your date?” She elbowed Mel in the ribs. “I wanted to stop by and say hi on my way to Rick’s house.”

  Mel shook her head in confusion. “So, you’re speaking to him again? Last night you were angrier than a hornet at the guy.”

  “Yep, but everything’s cool now.” Stacy bounded out of her seat. “I’ll see you later.” Mel watched as the young girl flew out the door as fast as she had come in.

  Jack shook his head. “I should’ve asked how you like working with Stacy.” He pushed the plate of fries to the center of the table. “Stacy can be a little flighty at times, but she’s a good kid. Her dad’s a judge.” He munched on a fry. “He always has the look of someone who’s constipated.”

  Mel giggled at the description. “She’s okay. She spends most of the time staring out of the window, looking for hot guys at the pumps. Bob’s going to have a fit one of these days.” She took a deep breath. “She’s a very pretty girl.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  Mel’s heart plummeted. Well, what did you expect him to say? He’s a man, after all. He has two good eyes.

  Jack reached across the space between them and took hold of Mel’s hand. She watched his broad thumb draw tiny circles over the inside of her wrist. A bolt of white hot desire pierced her nipples and settled between her legs.

  “Stacy’s a girl. You, sweetheart, are a woman, a very beautiful woman.”

  “You do have a way of bolstering a woman’s flagging self-confidence, Jack,” Mel replied, her tone a husky whisper.

  Jack released her hands, leaned back in his seat, and shook his head in amazement. “Why is it that women are never satisfied with the way they look?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding?” Stunned, Mel leaned forward, intent on setting him straight on a few things. “Blame it on society. If a man has gray hair he’s considered distinguished. A woman with gray hair is old.” She didn’t wait for a reply. “If a man has wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, it’s because he has a sense of humor. Those lines are referred to as laugh lines. But on a woman they’re called crow’s feet. And another thing—”

  Jack held up both hands, indicating surrender. “Okay, okay, you made your point.”

  Mel sat there all smiles. She hadn’t felt this alive in years. It felt good to carry on a decent conversation with someone who replied with more than just a grunt and a shrug of the shoulders. “I take it that means I shouldn’t complain about the way I look?”

  “You’re catching on, Mel. Run yourself down again and I’ll spank you.”

  Mel sucked in her breath. Good Lord, being spanked by a man had never entered her mind. But somehow the thought of being thrown over Jack’s knees didn’t scare her in the least. As a matter of fact, it turned her on. However, she should at least make the effort to act affronted. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  His pointed stare indicated otherwise.

  Jack abruptly stood up. “I’ll pay the check and take you home.”

  Mel swallowed hard. And then what? Would he spank her? She was having second thoughts about this spanking thing. Her not-so-skinny behind pointing north would most likely be a turn off for any man.

  She grabbed her doggie bag and slid out of the booth. She hovered behind his tall frame as if to appear nonexistent. A startled squeak left her lips when he pulled her close to his side and tucked her securely under his heavily muscled arm. Geez, she hadn’t felt this safe in all her life. His body was hard and comforting at the same time. She glanced up and saw his eyes twinkling. One look from him made her knees shake.

  Mel relaxed as he paid for their food. He was less intimidating without his uniform, but still looked hot in a pair of cut-off denims and a white t-shirt. The short sleeves showed off his tanned arms. She caught herself staring at those arms every time he moved. She had noticed other women in the restaurant staring at him too and barely resisted the childish urge to poke out her tongue at them.

  Once again, his hand laid flat on her lower back as he guided her outside. Everyone they passed had a greeting for the man at her side. After he saw her safely seated and belted in, he rounded the front of the vehicle and jumped behind the wheel.

  “How did you get the nickname Dog?”

  Jack keyed the engine. “Because, young lady, when I set my mind to something, I don’t let go.”

  Mel’s heartbeat accelerated. Her palms grew moist with sweat. Could she be that something? Holy moly, maybe she could.

  The next thing she knew, Jack was pulling into her driveway. Mel looked around in amazement. She had been so distracted that she didn’t remember passing through the gate or seeing the security guard. Okay, so now what? Did she say goodnight and go into the house? Should she offer him a drink? It’d have to be coffee or soda because alcohol was off-limits to her. Her medication didn’t allow it. Would he expect sex? If he made a sexual advance she’d be disappointed. So far, he had been a real gentleman. Those were hard to find these days. But then again, if he didn’t make a move she’d know for certain that she was unattractive.

  “I had a good time tonight.” His softly spoken words broke the silence.

  “I did too.” Mel cracked a smile. “It’s been a long time since I was out on a date. I’m not sure what comes next.”

  He brushed her cheek with his fingers and she turned to nuzzle his warm palm. His masculine scent filled the cab and invaded her lungs. She could drown in his earthy musk and not give a damn about anything else. His touch was magic, relaxing her in one way, but gearing her up to a state of sexual arousal at the same time. She wanted more. More of this wonderful feeling. What was it about this man that had her trembling like a leaf in a strong gusty wind? He was handsome, strong, and exuded confidence. Confidence was something she knew nothing about.

  His trailed his fingers along her neck and down to the hollow of her throat. His touch sizzled her skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake. The warmth of his body wrapped around her as he leaned in and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was bone melting and Mel swore her eyes rolled to the back of her head. He licked the seam of her lips before devouring her mouth once again. It felt as if he was blowing new life into her.

  He groaned as he pulled away and lowered his head to study her heaving bosom. Slipping a finger under each shoulder strap, he tugged her bodice down to her waist. Her breasts spilled into his waiting hands. He cupped each heavy globe. Through narrowed lids she saw his forest green eyes darken to a shade of emerald before he bent his head and licked one nipple then the other. Mel whimpered. Moisture seeped from her inner walls and settled into the folds of her sex. He lavished attention on her breasts, kissing, sucking, and squeezing until she shifted in her seat trying to relieve the throbbing ache deep inside her pussy. He pinched her nipples again and another warm spurt of fluid saturated her panties. Mel’s knees fell apart of their own accord. She wanted more, so much more of this exquisite pleasure.

  “Lean back against the doo
r.” His warm breath whispered across her skin.

  The combined smell of his aftershave and male scent had her senses reeling so badly that all she could do was moan in response. She longed for something hard inside her pussy. Her hands fell from his shoulders and clutched the edge of her seat. The constant assault of Jack’s tongue on her bare nipples left her helpless. She rocked her hips in tune with his tongue right there in the middle of the driveway.

  Whoa, wait a minute. Mel’s eyes shot open. Holy cow! Her pussy was so wet she was sure she had stained the seat. “I don’t think…”

  “Don’t think.” Jack’s voice sounded muffled. Mel looked down and saw his tongue licking her breasts. The sight was erotic.


  Jack released a nipple with a loud pop and pulled her roughly against his chest. Damn, she didn’t want a simple hug at a time like this. Her eyes widened in shock when he gathered her dress in one hand and twisted the bulk of the material in front of her. The sharp slap he delivered to her ass startled her. “Keep arguing and I’ll turn you over my knee.”

  Mel stiffened. “Excuse me?” she stammered hotly, indignantly. How dare he threaten her again. She wasn’t a child in need of punishment.

  “You heard me,” he growled and delivered another whack to her ass.

  Darn it, he did it again and she had wanted it…again. Her lips were mere inches from his firmed mouth. She saw the tic at the side of his jaw bounce up and down. His face was stern, his demeanor unyielding. He’d carry out his threat and, she wasn’t afraid. As a matter of fact, she liked this dominant side of Jack Horan.

  Mel eased back against the door. Jack caressed her left ankle with his fingers then inched his way up to her knee. He lifted her leg and draped it over his right shoulder. Her dress slid further up her body. Jack’s gaze turned feral at her exposed thighs and lace panties. He shoved her dress higher. “I want to lick your pussy.”

  Oh God. Mel clutched the edge of her seat with one hand and caught hold of his shoulder with the other.

  “That’s it, baby.” Jack fumbled behind the driver’s seat and held up a jacket. He wadded it into a ball and shoved it behind her head. He looked her straight in the eye. “I bet you’re sweeter than honey.”

  He pulled aside the crotch of her panties and tongued her. Mel’s breath hitched. His long finger plunged deep inside her pussy. He added another one and finger fucked her while he sucked her clit. Her breathing came harsh and fast. When he bit down on her flesh, Mel’s scream filled the space around them. She rode his face until the last of her climax ebbed away.

  She wanted to burst into tears. Only these would be happy tears. Years of pain and fear had dissolved in that one intense moment of sheer bliss.

  Not quite down from the moon where she swore she had landed and staked a claim, Mel forced her eyes open and saw Jack grinning at her. He bent his head and gave her pussy a long, leisurely lick.

  He ran his tongue over his upper lip. “Hmm, you definitely taste a lot better than any sandwich at the Grab ‘n’ Go.” He licked her once more. “I wish you could bottle this stuff.” He kept staring intently at the area between her legs. Instead of being mortified, Mel was just thankful that she had shaved. Well, that’s a hell of a thing to think about now.

  A stab to her side made her gasp.

  Jack caught her hand. “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

  Mel couldn’t help but laugh. “I got a rib spasm.” She shook her head in dismay. “I can’t remember the last time I made out in a car.”

  Jack laughed too. “I’m sorry.” He circled her ankle with his fingers and gently removed her leg from around his neck. “I hate to give up this perfect view, but I guess I have to.”

  Mel plopped her hand on his thigh and pushed up from her slouched position. She heard him hiss. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

  Jack shrugged and raked a hand through his hair. “Just a hard-on from hell, but it’ll go away.” He blew out a breath. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  Mel stiffened in her seat. Did he just apologize for rocking her world?

  “I had planned on taking it slow,” he went on. “I don’t know what it is, but the first time I saw you, you got to me.” He scrubbed at his face. “Stupid, isn’t it? I’ve never felt this way before. You’re so beautiful you take my breath away. I want to see you again. I promise not to jump you the next time we go out on a date.”

  Mel was at a loss for words. Now that was a confession she had not expected to hear. She felt the exact same way, stupid though it was. From the moment she had seen Jack looking at her from across the deli case, she had felt a connection of some sort, as if they had known each other forever. Could this be the real deal? She and Mike had known each other all through school, and look how that had turned out. She had known Jack only a matter of days, but already she missed him and he wasn’t even gone.

  “I-I’ve never. I mean, Mike was the only man I...” Her voice trailed away. Her eyes misted over and she bit her lip in an effort not to cry. Tears would probably send him running for the hills. “I’m sorry. We’re both adults, but I’ll have you know I don’t usually do this with men I’ve just met.”

  “Well, I should hope not,” Jack all but growled. His commanding tone sailed straight to Mel’s clit. “I want to see you again, if that’s okay. We’ll take it slow.” Apparently, Mel didn’t answer fast enough to suit him. He sprawled back in his seat and jabbed a finger at his crotch. “Go ahead. Nail me in the balls for treating you so shabbily. I deserve it.”

  Mel smiled weakly. “Why would I want to nail you in the…” She cleared her throat. “…balls? I could have stopped you. I could have said no.” Fact was she had wanted his touch as much as he seemed eager to give it.

  Jack swiped a hand through the buzz cut that she thought was so perfect for him. “You mean you’re not mad at me? You’ll agree to see me again?”

  “Of course I’ll see you again.” He sounded so hopeful yet she was doubtful. Her depression weighed heavily upon her mind. Her depression wasn’t something she wanted to share, mostly because of the way her late husband had treated her. “You work right across the street from me. We’ll see each other all the time.”

  He frowned and Mel got the feeling that he didn’t care for her reply, but then he said, “Okay, I’ll pop in at the store sometime tomorrow. Let me walk you to your door.” He fumbled for the latch and jerked when Mel touched him lightly on the arm.

  “Don’t you want me to return the favor?” Mel saw the surprise on his face. She immediately regretted her words. Maybe he didn’t want her mouth on him.

  “Baby, I’m not some untried schoolboy only out for a piece of tail. I can control my urges. I wanted to do that for you.” He stared out the window, then turned to look at her. “And for me.” He grasped hold of her chin. His thumb stroked her bottom lip. “I will see you again, Melanie Manning. Make no mistake about that.”

  He followed Mel to the porch and waited while she fished in her pocket for the key. “Make sure you lock the door.” He didn’t leave until she was safely inside.

  Mel stood for a long time staring out the window after Jack had left. What in the world had gotten into her? Spread out on the front seat of Jack’s Durango with his head between her legs wasn’t how she had expected the night to end. And on a first date no less. But she didn’t feel guilty. She’d been faithful to Mike throughout their twenty years of marriage even though he had fooled around with other women. She wasn’t committed to anyone, and if she wanted to indulge in a sexual fling, she had that right.

  But what scared the hell out of her was the fact that Jack seemed to want something much more serious than she was ready to give. He wanted to find the right woman and settle down. Plus, his job was so dangerous, and she didn’t know if she could handle constantly being worried about his safety. And she couldn’t tell him about her depression. Jack should have a strong woman by his side, and she didn’t fit t
he bill. Mike often told her she was too emotional.

  Mel pressed her forehead against the cool window pane. Could she be the woman a man such as Jack needed? An ache, deep in the center of her chest, swelled to her throat. He might change his mind if she bared her soul and told him the truth about her depression.

  Chapter 5

  Mel studied the mass of cardboard scattered on the floor. “I don’t care what this diagram shows. There’s no way slot A…” She held up a piece of colored cardboard with a dog’s face on it. “…is going to fit into slot B. No wonder Bob wished me good luck. You’d have to be a rocket scientist to slap this display together.” She was talking more to herself, but when Stacy didn’t toss out one of her usual smart-assed comments, Mel looked up and saw the younger girl chewing on a pencil.

  “Yeah, well, according to Bob’s way of settling instant lottery tickets we’re ten dollars short.” Stacy dropped the pencil on the counter. “I can’t do this right now, I have a headache.”

  “We can’t be short. We haven’t sold much lottery today. It’s the middle of the week. Everyone’s broke. Besides, the weather is calling for heavy rain later on tonight. Cigarettes, D batteries for flashlights, and iced tea are the only items flying out of here.” Mel stepped around the cardboard and made her way to the counter.

  “I’ll let it go for a few minutes then maybe I’ll see where I’m going wrong.” Stacy emptied another carton of Marlboro then tossed the box in the trash. “If you’re amazed at the way people react to a severe rainstorm wait until winter. When there’s a threat of snow, bread, milk, and eggs fly off the shelves just as fast.” She flashed a grin. “Hey, I have an idea. Let’s switch jobs for a while. I’ll work on the display and you can figure out the lottery.”

  Mel frowned. “Why do I feel like I’m on the losing end?” She pondered a moment then asked, “Did you end a pack of tickets too early?”